What Services
Intake Services Inc. Provide?
Here a few of the many services we offer at Intake Services, Inc. Whether you are looking for an extension to your existing intake team or are looking to replace it entirely, Intake Services Inc has the right service for yo and your firm.
Here are some of the services we provide to help you:

Legal Intake Call Campaigns
Intake Services, Inc. assists law firms and legal marketing agencies alike with Legal Intake Call Campaigns. Tailored to either assist your existing team or to completely take the reins, our intake call campaigns boast the highest conversion rates in the industry. For attorney's we take the pressure off of their existing intake department by combing compassion and sales acumen. For lead generation companies we provide all the intel and data necessary to scale campaigns. We provide insight on trends and emerging patterns which will save your existing client's money, maximize ad spend and allow your clients to spend ad money in confidence knowing they can trust you will deliver results.
Full MVA Retainer/Intake Packets
Intake Services Inc. provides it clients Full Retainer and Intake Packets. Our leads are generated using our traffic from our own O & O sites, through social media campaigns, pay per click advertising and a number of other methods. We run the ads collect the leads, perform our award winning intake on the leads and the leads that meet your firms qualifiers to your retainer. A complete and thorough intake is performed and the retainer and intake are forwarded to you for approval! You only pay for accepted cases allowing you to spend your money in other areas and minimizing your risk with a success based business model.

Nationwide IN PERSON Mobile Sign Ups
Let's face it. With some personal injury campaigns your target demographic might now be "computer savvy" . Certain prospective clients will hurt potential intake success rates by keeping reps on the phone for extended periods just trying to open an email! Other individuals might not have access to email because of their current living situation. For these special circumstances Intake Services Inc. offers Nationwide Mobile Sign Ups where a representative will show up at almost any address in the country to sign up your prospective client. As most sign ups can take place within 2.5 hours of any order. Signed Retainers are scanned and delivered to your firm via email and hard copies are sent to your office via priority shipping. We will sign up anyone anywhere!

Full Sexual Abuse Retainer/Intake Packets
Intake Services Inc. provides fully workable Sexual Abuse Cases for law firms using beautifully crafted owned and operated online sites like Justice For Abuse . Staying well informed on sexual abuse litigation we know what cases are being produced and in what states the law suits are generated in. Sexual Abuse Cases, otherwise known as "institutional Abuse Cases" see both Private and Public Entities as defendants. Juvenile Correctional Facilities, Adult Correctional Facilites, Ride Share Companies, Youth Serving Organizations, School Districts, Clergy , Group Homes and more are just some of the cases we provide Full Sexual Abuse Retainer Packets for. For more information about these types of Retainers, Visit our Sexual Abuse Retainer Page
Have Your Legal Intake Campaigns Reviewed Today
Are you a law firm or a legal marketing agency in need of legal intake services? Fill out the form below to have one of your associates discuss your needs with you and explain how we can help!